Act For Peace Website

Act For PeaceHelping NFP's help others

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Using an empowering, insightful, raw, gritty and authentic tone and voice the site differentiates Act for Peace from other NGOs.

Four years from the initial launch, the Act for Peace website had become out-dated and lacked the necessary functionality required to stay competitive. As part of this launch the website needed to strongly convey Act for Peace’s new branding and image, engage supporters with new brand messages and necessary functionality.

The new website needed to represent Act for Peace as a personally empowering action network through content, structure, and visual material, framing Act for Peace as part of the world’s most diverse grass-roots social justice network.

Act for Peace were specifically looking for a Kentico partner to help them develop their new site. Timelines were tight so to speed up delivery we designed the site to work with Twitter Bootstrap framework. This allowed us to get all the elements in place so that content could start being entered and if we still needed to do design tweaks, they could be done later without breaking the site.

Webcoda brought our brand to life delivering a high quality website to schedule. It's a pleasure to work with such a professional, creative and committed team.

Wendy Tsang, Digital Communications Coordinator, Act for Peace

The design matches the new branding guidelines provided by Act for Peace and blends in the textured backgrounds beautifully while still being a fully responsive site which adapts and looks great on any screen.