Web Design

We put the U in UX and UI

Web design isn’t about the gloss or glamour of your website. It’s about bridging the gap between user experience (UX), user interface (UI) and making a truly sumptuous and welcoming web look and feel. Or so says Sydney web design and development agency, Webcoda.

Our focus on UX means that we approach your web design with the following considerations in mind: 

  • How visually appealing is your design?
  • How so we organise the information we need to present for the website customers and how should it be structured? (termed information architecture) 
  • What sort of information needs to be presented on each page and how will the web design affect that presentation?
  • How do we support searches for the website and search within the website itself?
  • How accessible, easy to use and easy to re-use is the website?
  • Is the web design disability compliant while also meeting the requirements of the search engines and the audience the website is meant for?

From making your website easy to understand and navigate through to specialised design elements around disability compliance, mobile responsiveness and branding guidelines, we’ve got your back. 

We put your audience first with our focus on creating a great user experience and put the customer first with visually appealing and easy to use user interface. 

While we practice our web design in Sydney, don’t let distance scare you away. We’ve worked with web design clients from all over Australia and New Zealand. And we’ve had a marvellous time working with overseas organisations and multi-national companies, too. 

Our latest web development projects

Sundowners Overland Website
Sundowners Overland
Your next adventure begins here
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Sony Scene Website
Sony Scene
It's a Sony site for camera enthusiasts
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