
We are the Government's secret Digital Agency with a licence to thrill

Whether Federal Government, State Government or Local Government, Australian Government websites are some of the trickiest websites to design. We all rely on government services and turn to the web for information. 

Luckily at Webcoda, we’ve got more than a few successful government websites in our web development and application creation cap. We understand what is needed to create a solid project that is used on a regular basis by a wide and varied audience of people.

Here's some of the ways we make government websites shine:

We meet the expectation of complication with simplicity 

Poor old government websites and services often cop an unfair reputation of being needlessly cryptic, bureaucratic and hard to understand. That’s where Webcoda bring out the big guns.

We use your experience of your customers in a user centred design format to create pathways to information that work with, not against, the people you are attempting to serve. The Webcoda team work together to develop a look and feel that caters for all kinds of web users. And we make the path to information simple.

Compliance is our middle name

A lot of government websites have requirements far beyond that of standard web projects. You might have to think about existing branding and style guides. You could be a part of a larger component. You often need multi-lingual provisions to help the community understand the information you offer. Plus there is the importance of disability compliance to ensure that people can access government websites across multiple devices and aids.

As strange as it may sound, we love a good compliance project. It’s like a form of Rubix Puzzle with the added bonus of helping a bunch of people.

So no matter what your compliance requirements entails, we can help.

Applications and Webcoda are the best of friends

Government websites and intranets and extranets often require smart programming to work with a variety of different applications and programs. Considering the size of many government departments and the reliance on internal and customised applications, we’d be remiss if we hadn’t spent time ensuring we can integrate what you need into your online presence.

Whatever you need, no matter how small or large, internal or consumer facing, if you have an application that requires that special bit of attention to work with other web applications or your government websites and net presences, we’re ready and able.

Transparency is part of the web development process

We know that you have stakeholders that have a vested interest in seeing progress and success. We also know that due to the nature of how most government websites and infrastructure projects are funded, you have to be able to withstand scrutiny and critiquing. The public, the press, other government departments, opposing forces, people in the industry, public servants- the list goes on. Everyone wants to be able to make sure things like government websites and applications are up to the task at hand.

Our government websites withstand the ocean of opinion because they are built to last.

Trust in the quality of government websites and digital projects 

At Webcoda, we welcome different stakeholder’s opinions. We create strong user stories based on research. We develop from a template of marrying the best possible technology with direct hands on knowledge of the customer base. And we test- like crazy- to ensure that each and every facet of your digital project works the way it should.

We look for the opportunity to exceed your expectations and to create something that lasts. 

If you want specialists in the development and design of government websites and online applications, you’ve come to the right place.

Our latest web development projects

many hands in the air
NSW Dried Blood Spot Test
HIV & Hep-C Testing
View site
Smiley kids faces in a huddle
Murrumbidgee Local Health District
Info for a healthy Southern NSW
View site